Triton centrifugal pumps

Triton centrifugal pumps

Vaughan Co. launches the TRITON, centrifugal screw pump, combining the benefits of the Vaughan grinder pump designs with the advantages of high efficiency and clog-free operation.The TRITON centrifugal screw pump with open channel impeller is ideal for thick slurries, large or fibrous solids, shear sensitive fluids and delicate or highly abrasive materials.

Main characteristics

  • This pump is of the centrifugal type with helical screw.
  • Vaughan has been manufacturing it for more than a decade, especially for pumping particulates or sludge of a certain viscosity.
  • It can be mounted in any configuration, vertical, submersible, horizontal and vertical dry well.
  • Vaughan’s unique design allows to adjust and extend the life of the suction cone, as we can remove up to 3 adjustment rings. In addition, we can adjust the tolerance between the impeller and the cone, from the outside and with the pump assembled, without having to disassemble it and take it to the workshop.
  • With Vaughan’s experience in pumping wastewater loaded with fibers or solids, a rear macerator has been incorporated, which allows the seal area to be perfectly cleaned and eliminates blockage with fibers at the rear of the impeller.


  • US Patent #8,118,244,B2 (Internal Cutter on Submersed Mixer).
  • US Patent #8,348,188,B2 (Internal Cutter on Submersed Mixer).
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